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It is a most common concern that many men face, from time to time causing erection issues due to :
– Life stresses
-Social indulgences/alcohol/drugs/diet
-Performance anxiety
-Prostate cancer/Benign prostate Hyperplasia/Hypertrophy

The Number One Solution?
Many man have questioned me in the shop asking for guidance in assisting with their perceived ‘poor performance’, to which many men have stated that they cannot take Viagra or Cialis , and do not want the needle option!.

These men still achieve an erection, however struggle to maintain it.

Invariably, I recommend the cock ring solution to which the blood in the penis is ‘held’ within the shaft to stay harder, longer, without discomfort when the correct cock ring is used.

Types of Cock Rings
1. Basic stretchy and soft in a single round ‘doughnut’ shape for cock, balls and base
2. Multi-ring design comprising of anywhere between two and four rings conjoined
3. Cock fashion made of steel, leather silicone, TPR, rubber, latex, jelly
4. Stimulative couples rings with or without vibration

Finding your perfect cock ring size
Knowing your size comes into play…be realistic with yourself.
If you have a say 5″ penis, generally you can get away with a softer jelly piece in a 1″ diameter, and if wanting extra support , you would go for a stronger/higher density material like TPR or silicone with the same 1″ diameter.

If you are over 6″ , I generally recommend a 1.5″ to 1.75″ due to longer and thicker girth.
For an 8″ plus penis, the width of the ring as well as diameter is required for extra support.

These rings are a 2″ to 2.5″ diameter with at least 1cm-2cm depending on how much resistance is required, and the material is of stronger silicone and tpr blends. Jelly rings are not sufficient for this size penis.

Advice for Safe Cock ring Use
1. Never over stretch your ring as over time over stretching weakens the material
2. If it snaps while wearing, it is too small/tight
3. If your penis is turning purple, its a warning that damage is possibly occurring..remove immediately!
4. If you feel it ‘cutting in’ or really uncomfortable, it indicates either too thin or overstretched beyond its design
5. NEVER wear more than 20 minutes OR and fall asleep as permanent vascular damage will occur.
6. Always use a water based lubricant NO OILS EVER! as oil breaks down the material.

How to use/wear your cock ring
The ring you purchase should be worn as directed to a certain area ie – cock ring for your shaft or a base ring located behind the whole frank and beans!
First of all get as aroused as possible then position ring firmly at base with a little amount of water based lubricant remembering not to overstretch.
Proceed with your activity, remembering not to exceed twenty minutes.

At the end time, gently slide the ring off, and use warm soapy water to clean, or a specially created Toy Cleanser that deters bacteria and fungus.
Keep your cock ring separate from other sex toys, and in some cases use a powder made with a high grade talc, or cornstarch to keep its integrity longer. Some men use a spare sock to keep the ring in or even a little satin gift type bag is perfect.

If you have any concerns with prostate or long term erectile issues, please consult you local GP for more accurate testing, be it a blood or manual diagnosis, to seeing a specialist for the best ongoing support if medications are required.
Any questions or comments, feel free to message, we are here for you

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